Notepad++ icon plugin
Notepad++ icon plugin

notepad++ icon plugin

This works whether you have an installer or portable edition available.NET Framework is required. To get it up and running, you just have to copy the DLL files from the downloaded package to the "plugins" folder of Notepad++. The plugin consists of two parts: Visual Studio's IntelliSense that completes code and speeds up development by eliminating syntax typos, as well as CS-Script, which contains functions for small-scaled debugging and some project management features typically found in IDEs. IntelliSense and C# script execution for Notepad++ It's not designed to replace a fully-featured IDE but it enriches the existing feature-set of the code editor, giving you additional help when working on C# projects. Part of the CS-Script tools for Notepad++ suite, CS-Script for Notepad++ provides C# developers with a small-sized toolset for the Notepad++ text editor, which enables them to seamlessly create, edit and execute code without resorting to other software solutions.

Notepad++ icon plugin